Best Side Projects of the Day #Issue01

07 Nov, 2021

Best Side Projects of the Day #Issue01

Every week we came across amazing projects designed and developed by amazing people on the internet. So this week we at Kiwismedia decided to talk about them and share how these people’s work is contributing to our lives. So let’s see what are amazing and cool projects we have discovered this week.

In this blog, you are going to explore the top 5 side projects of the day.

Here are the projects of the week:

  1. Sunday

As a lover of instrumental music, I fall in love with this since I discovered this from Traf website. Whenever my surrounding become noisy, Sunday become my work partner. I want to thank a lot to Traf for coming up with this. One last thing I can’t ignore to mention its user interface. It’s super super simple and cool.Sunday Kiwismedia

2. TabwaveReplace your new tab with a mindful productive app

We have another cool project lined up that helps you in being more productive by keeping your mind calm.

Do you know that feeling when you feel frustrated and desperately look for something that will help you in calming down so that you can focus on your work? I got to know about this project somewhat around this moment of life.

One of the best things I liked about this is that you don’t have to struggle in finding features. Everything is in front of your eyeballs.

And, I want to thank a lot to Rutik for coming up with this.

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3. DevcoverJust type your username and watch the magic

If you are a developer and struggle in showing your GitHub profile in a cooler way then this is one of the best tool you must look into.

Thanks a lot to Junior García for coming up with this.

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4. GlassMorphism Generator

I am sure most of you were aware that Glassmorphism is a new design trend that to keep up with that you have to learn how to switch your web page design into glass morphism.

But, you don’t have to worry when we are surrounded by amazing people like Divya Xavier.

Thanks a lot to Divya Xavier for coming up with this and holding back of web developers.Image for post

5. XShotCreate awesome Screenshot

This is a tool that helps you in creating screenshots based on different screen sizes just by following super-simple steps.

Thanks a lot to Sanvi Merin for coming up with this.

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Thanks for reading.

Hope you have found these helpful. Don’t forget to follow these amazing people mentioned above.

*Every tool mentioned above is completely free.


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