About Fueler.io
Fueler.io is a portfolio-based platform for dreamers and doers
A community-led social platform that helps you discover
interesting people through their works. Individuals use Fueler.io to
create a log of all their works in a single place in order to
validate their personal brand superfast.
Our mission is to empower our users to be more productive
through inspired learning and helping them take part in becoming
the next-gen creators, makers, and builders.

It's what you do that matters the most, not what you say!
Fueler.io is on a mission to change how multiskilled individuals market themselves so that everyone can showcase their skills through the proof of work along with the people they work with, rather than simply emphasizing their achievements and abilities using some buzzwords.
Fueler.io is built on proof of work and amidst all the opinions on future of works, your proof of works will the only constant.
How to prove your worth?
Fueler.io helps you document all your work in a single place which allows you to attract opportunities. Your proof of work speck for you in your absence and in the age of the internet your online presence revolves around how valuable is your identity.
A great proof of work profile includes all your projects, portfolio, case studies, collaborations internship, and job opportunities.

Be original. Be an example. Lead by example.
Fueler.io is a portfolio-based platform for dreamers and doers, a community-led social platform that helps you discover interesting people through their proof work.
Individuals use Fueler.io to create a log of all their work in a single place in order to validate their personal brand superfast.