How opensource contribution can help you in landing in a job?

20 Nov, 2021

How opensource contribution can help you in landing in a job?

The world is taking a shift from qualification/degree-based hiring to skills/expertise based hiring.

Nowadays, companies are taking more interest in those type of candidates who have gained some skills and have expertise in some domain. Because, these type of candidates already know how things work in the industry, how to work on any real-world projects. 

Companies do not want to waste their time, money, effort on teaching someone about every aspect of industry based work. Instead of this, they are ready to look into candidates who already have these ideas.

So, when you work on any opensource based project, you learn “how to work on any production-level project?”, “how to work and collaborate in the team?”, “what are the issues an industry-based project faced while working on that project?”. This type of things you learn and explore while actively contributing to an opensource project. 

Suppose your dream is to work in Google. 

And you have gained some skills by that you are capable to contribute in some opensource projects that are owned by Google. 

At the same time, Google Team is looking for candidates who can handle that project. And, your contribution popped into their repository and they liked your contribution. Then there can be some chance in which you will be able to grab an opportunity to receive an interview email from Google hiring team. Because they will no longer invest their time on looking for someone else when your work will be in front of their eye. 

When you contribute to opensource projects, the whole world has the accessibility of that contribution until you make that private. In some of the scenario, you who looked into your work refer your portfolio within their network or companies they are looking for candidates like you only if your contribution will be able to speak on behalf of you about your capabilities.

Be selective when you start opensource contribution. Because no one is interested in your one-line contribution in the project’s readme. 

You have to focus on the contribution that will add value to that project. Your contribution should gain attention to that project’s owner. After practicing this type of contribution, you will be able to create opportunities for yourself.

Happy Contribution.

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