16 Nov, 2021
Have you ever got to know about something that you wished to know when that were required at that moment of your life?
If you love exploring then you definitely have faced this.
Idea behind starting Fueler.io move around above question.
In this age of Internet, social media platform’s algorithm force us to consume things that are not meant for, but we do not able to do anything because most of our attention have been grabbed by these platforms.
In this situation, we miss one of the most beautiful gift that Internet give us and that is “connect with beautiful minds around the world”.
We all have met amazing, beautiful people only because of the Internet.
But, we do not able to connect with those beautiful minds on daily basis only because of the noise that comes with the internet privilege.
If you ever want to find these people, you end up spending 1–2 hrs scrolling infinite feed.
But, how would you react to something by which you would be able to not only connect but also you will be able to explore what those people did in their life?
In simple words, what if you get to learn about someone just by exploring through their works?
One of the best things is that you will be able to get to know about people who belong to your field of interest.
You will be able to know about their works, their achievements, their experiences.
And, if you are that beautiful mind, then you will be able to document your journey so that someone who is looking to connect with you will be able to through Fueler.io.
We at Fueler.io love simplicity and only because of that we have made very simple and beautiful way for showcasing your journey to the world.
Do you know what encourage us to live a long life?
As per my thought process, it’s people who surround us, who inspire us, who motivate us, who show us the path to achieve greatness, who share moments with us. It’s another human being with whom we love to connect.
And through Fueler.io, we are trying to create that environment of making connection, a connection which will be based on each other’s works, each other’s stories and experiences. And that will inspire an individual to connect with others by exploring their journey.
So, let’s explore what Fueler.io is all about.
And let us know about your journey by visiting Fueler.io or sending an email at anshu@fueler.io, we would love to know about you and your journey. We cordially invite you to our platform to explore and create your own journey of experiences and passionate stories.
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