Story of Undervalued Entrepreneurs

17 Nov, 2021

Story of Undervalued Entrepreneurs

Do you know, there are a few around us who keep a better understanding of our lifestyle? This group of people knows our taste better than ourselves or anyone else.

These people are our farmersmilkmangrocery store ownersgarbage collector, etc. 


If you don’t know about these people then just ask your elders, parents.

They will be able to tell you “what I am trying to say”.

These people are far better at entrepreneurship than those who feel cool by adding “Entrepreneur” in their social profiles.

These people know, “What deal will be the best fit for you?”, “From where you should purchase anything without compromising with quality?”.

For this group of people, their Customer is Everything to them. They try to serve their whole life so that you do not face any hurdles or your family members do not feel any type of issues.

These people are so good at their offerings that you can’t deny because that offering has been designed to keep your type of customers in mind.


One of the best things is that in their offering you can ask for any customization and they do those customizations without saying anything. This is very rare in this competitive market where everyone is fighting for the “Valuation Game”.

As the technological era has grown and entered into AI(Artificial Intelligence) age, we are forgetting about this group of people. We are ready to compromise with quantity and quality because that is coming to you just by one tap on your smartphone. 

Technology has washed our brain in a way that we ignore the best deal offered by them and ready to pay more to those who have played with you by showcasing unreal beauties.

Shouldn’t we give at least one try to those groups of people’s offerings?

Shouldn’t we explore at least one “Whether is it really costing you quality”?

What’s your thought on this?

Let me know “how can we give exposure to this internet world to these groups of people?”.

Thanks for being with me.

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