What's New in Fueler: May 2022

22 Jun, 2022

What's New in Fueler: May 2022

May was full of surprises, we sponsored, collaborated, tried and failed at many things. 

So, let's dive into what actually happened this month

Fueler first birthday

15th May 2021 when we pivoted Fueler from KiwisMedia. This month, we celebrated our first birthday.

Launched Figma Design Resources

We have made all our design secret sauce publicly accessible, make the most of it and pls do share this within your network. It would mean a lot.

β€’ Blog Thumbnail Design Templates

β€’ Twitter Celebration Post Templates

β€’ Project Thumbnail Design Templates

β€’ Twitter Header Design Templates

β€’ Book Cover Design Templates

Get the access

Fueler Design Assets

Fueler Design Assets

Hosted 100+ Free APIs list on GitHub

A collection of free APIs for your next project

Check it out

Free api list || fueler.io

Free api list || fueler.io

Introduced Complete Profile Banner

You will be seeing this banner until you fill the basic details of your Fueler profile

Complete your Fueler profile || fueler.io

Complete your Fueler profile || fueler.io

Launched Fueler Library

Fueler Library || Fueler.io

Fueler Library || Fueler.io

Launched 100+ Marketing Ideas

Ideas that will help you land your dream marketing opportunities.

Get the access

100+ Marketing Project Ideas

100+ Marketing Project Ideas

Onboarded new Campus Ambassadors

This month, a few more ambassadors joined Fueler, they are helping us in spreading the word about Fueler on their college campuses.

Introducing ValueRead 2.0 with fresh UI and navbar

Check it out here

ValueRead new UI || Fueler.io

ValueRead new UI || Fueler.io

Fueler Bucket Meta Image is live

Now whenever you will share your Fueler bucket, it will show a glimpse of what's inside it through a meta image.

Example: I shared my no code bucket below a tweet and this is what people will be seeing.

Fueler Bucket Meta Image || Fueler.io

Fueler Bucket Meta Image || Fueler.io

Introduced Fueler "Write for Us" program

In the last few months, we have received DMs from the community, how can they contribute to Fueler Blog. So, "Write for Us" aims to help those who are looking for guest blogging opportunities.

Social Sharing in every blog

Now you will be able to share the blogs you read on the Fueler blog.

Share Blog || Fueler.io

Share Blog || Fueler.io

Introduced our Success Story series

This month, we started covering Proof of Work success stories. Special thanks to Fatima for initiating this series.

Proof of Work Success Story || Fueler.io

Proof of Work Success Story || Fueler.io

Started organizing the Fueler Proof of Work Challenge

This was one of the crazy things that happened this month. Everyone loves Fueler merch, but you get it for free, you will not value it, so you can earn it by taking part in Fueler Proof of Work Challenge and get Fueler merch for free.

A week-long challenge in which you have to submit a proof of work and stand a chance to win the Fueler merch

Every week we announce this from Fueler Twitter handle, please stay tuned.

Check all the submissions

Fueler Proof of Work Challenge

Fueler Proof of Work Challenge

Published new blogs and threads

We published tons of amazing Twitter thread, blogs, playbook and guides.

Check it out here: Fueler Blogs, Fueler Threads, Playbooks

Shoutout from OG Founder

Subhash Choudhary is Co-founder and CTO at Dukaan, India's most used Kirana tech.

Slight changes in onboarding 

If you get confused about, who can use Fueler and what kind of work can be published here, this visual is designed for you to get a quick idea.

Onboarded Dev Intern

This month we onboarded our first Dev intern. He will be the helping hand of our senior developer.

Organized Twitter spaces with amazing people

Check it out here

Fueler Twitter Space || Fueler.io

Fueler Twitter Space || Fueler.io

Fueler is not the next Linkedin

Whenever people come across Fueler, they assume, we are next LinkedIn, but it's not the case.

Please read this blog to understand, why Fueler is not the next LinkedIn.

Check it out here

Fueler is not the next LinkedIn || Fueler.io

Fueler is not the next LinkedIn || Fueler.io

Got featured in an Instagram post

Discover the Opportunities in 100s of Indian unicorns

Check it out here

Job Opportunities at Unicorns || Fueler.io

Job Opportunities at Unicorns || Fueler.io

Received a surprise gift from an internet stranger

Introduced Invite Module

Now you can invite your friends to use Fueler directly from your Dashboard

Here is how πŸ‘‡

Fueler Invite module || Fueler.io

Fueler Invite module || Fueler.io

Product Design Session with Crework Community

Check what happened in the workshop

Product Design Workshop || Fueler.io

Product Design Workshop || Fueler.io

Started Team Blog on Hashnode

Check it out here

Fueler Official Blog on Hashnode || Fueler.io

Fueler Official Blog on Hashnode || Fueler.io

Call with Investors (Elevation Capital)

Well this is something interesting I would like to tell you. When you have the relevant proof of work, even VCs take interest in your idea and support you. That's what has happened with Fueler. And it’s just the beginning, we have amazing stuff coming up. 

A small change in Work modal

Did you check? Now you can "See Inspirations" for Title and Description

Started Cold Emailing Newsletter

Subscribe Here

Fueler Bucket Limit

Have you tried Fueler Bucket?

Now you can create five buckets in free version. For more, you need to upgrade to Fueler premium and get access to Fueler at it's most.

Sponsored Tech Hackathon

Check it out here

Hosted Guest Speaker Session on β€œBreaking into Startups as a Developer”

Take a glimpse of what happened in the session, Click Here

Breaking into Startups as a Developer || Fueler.io

Breaking into Startups as a Developer || Fueler.io

Hosted next session on "Building Leverage with Proof of Work"

Take a glimpse of what happened in the session, Click Here

Building Leverage with Proof of Work || Fueler.io

Building Leverage with Proof of Work || Fueler.io

This was all I can recall. If you noticed something that we missed to mention here. Please let me know at anshu@fueler.io

Thank you for reading. See you in next blog :))

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