Ball Drop Animation with Shadow Effect in Fusion

  • - The project involved creating an engaging and realistic ball drop animation with shadows to illustrate complex motion concepts simply and attractively.
  • - The challenge was to recreate this animation using Fusion, different from the original software (Adobe After Effects) used in Ben Marriott's YouTube tutorial.

Key Challenges you are solving:

The major challenges to overcome in this project were:

1. Emulating the same effect in a different software platform, Davinci Resolve (Fusion), which involved understanding its tools and capabilities.

2. Replicating the high-fidelity shadow details, gravity effects, and overall animation aesthetic as exhibited in the After Effects tutorial, but in Fusion.

Tools & Technologies used:

1. Blackmagic Design's Fusion: This is a powerful node-based VFX, VR and 3D graphics software, where the majority of the project was completed.

2. Adobe After Effects (reference): The original animation was studied from a tutorial based on this tool.

3. Ben Marriott's YouTube Tutorial: This served as the guide for the animation, the techniques from which were then translated into Fusion.

Challenges and learning:

  • - The main hurdles involved transitioning from layer-based animation (common in After Effects) to node-based animation in Fusion, understanding the different interfaces, and accurately replicating shadow and light dynamics.
  • - Despite these challenges, the project significantly enhanced understanding of Fusion's capabilities and expanded the animation skill set.

  • - The experience emphasized that different tools can accomplish the same goal, even though the process might vary.

13 Jun 2023

Video Editing
Motion Graphic
Davinci Resolve
Youtube Management

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