I participated in the writing challenge on Fueler, and the following work was part of it
Objective: The challenge was to write 3 notifications each day for 3 brands chosen from the given list.
Themes: Diwali, Christmas, New Year, Holi and Independence Day
Here are the links to my 5 days of work:
Notification Writing Challenge #1
Notification Writing Challenge #2
Notification Writing Challenge #3
Notification Writing Challenge #4
Notification Writing Challenge #5
I chose 3 brands each day from the given list and researched each of their target audience and their notification style. I adopted a personalized style for each brand.
Output: I curated fun, engaging notifications with my touch of unique creativity and copywriting skills which would want to click open (leading to increased activity and engagement)
Time taken: 2-4 hrs each day (The challenge lasted for 5 days)
Tools used: Canva, Google Docs, and some references for inspiration
PS: The image below is graphic designed by me
19 Oct 2024
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