PriceLabs POW : Adding Apple Vision Pro to PriceLabs

Objective: Writing a blog based on Pricelabs integration with Apple Vision Pro.

Tools used : Google Docs, Claude AI, Grammarly.

Aim: Creating a spec blog as a proof of work for getting a chance of interview.

Idea: Apple Vision Pro is like the next big thing, VR and AR industry is evolving just like how AI is evolving. If PriceLabs, a SAAS based company, can integrate with Apple Vision Pro.

Pricelabs has a product that offers a service of managing property rentals. The aim here is if you include apple vision pro, people would be able to visit the full property on the inside and have a full on experience of how the property would look on the inside.

So adding this feature is estimated to bring more sales and ROI to the property managers and more clarity to the travellers who are planning to stay.

Time taken : 1 day.


01 Apr 2024

Apple vision pro
Spec blog
Proof of work
Content writing

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