Child Safety QR

Child Safety AI QR is a web application designed to enhance child safety by converting filled forms into AI art QR codes. These QR codes can be printed as stickers, keychains, badges, and more. In the event of an emergency or when a child is lost, anyone with a QR scanner can access the child's details in a PDF format. This project was developed in Python and deployed on Streamlit.

  • Fill out a child's details and generate an AI art QR code containing a link to the PDF form.
  • Download the PDF form or print the QR code for physical use.
  • Leveraging Filestack for PDF storage and the Hugging Face API for the model (ControlNet_QRCode-Control_v1p_sd15) through Gradio.

15 Nov 2023

Generative AI
Artificial Intelligence
Image Generation
Machine Learning

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