Wildcraft - Blog Audit

Objective: To showcase my content strategy skills by doing a blog audit of content and basic on-page SEO.

Tools: Google search for research, Google Docs for brainstorming and note-taking, Google keyword planner and basic version of Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Answerthepublic for content ideas and keyword research. Also, took AI's help to ask what more to add to make the audit stand out.

Timeline: This project took a few hours, including research and writing time, but it was a labor of love!

Project type: A fun and informative blog audit of content and basic on-page SEO.

Disclaimer: This article is a speculative work (SPEC) created to showcase my content strategy skills and is not officially associated with Wildcraft. The company has not reviewed, endorsed, or commissioned this content.

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20 Jul 2024

content strategy
content writing
blog audit

Other work by Santhosh Nayak

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