OsmWallet - An XRP Ledger Wallet in your Browser

What Is OsmWallet?

OsmWallet is a browser extension, which allows users to store and manage account keys locally, broadcast transactions, send and receive XRPL-based cryptocurrencies and tokens, and securely connect to external applications through a compatible web browser.

Key Features

πŸ” Secure – because of encryption.

⚑ Fast & Cheap Transaction. 

βž• Multiple account Management.

πŸ”₯ Token Management - adding, editing and deleting.

πŸš€ Send/Receive XRPL Based Payments.

πŸ—‘οΈ Deleting your XRPL account.

πŸ”œ Token Swap using Decentralized Exchange(DEX).

πŸ† ..other features like setting your profile picture, domain/url, account label, bookmarking certain transactions, light/dark mode theme, switching between main and test network, setting your local currency to get current XRP price in that currency etc are all already available.

We also have a big list of improvements we are already working on and a couple of more useful features to add to the product. I’m sure you’ll be equally excited if you go through our roadmap. 

BETA Version 

OsmWallet is in early beta, we’re still pretty early and iterating on the product. We all know how difficult it is to get those early users, those early supporters - they are priceless. I’m really grateful to all of you who took time to go through this. Thank you all, it means a lot to me πŸ™ 

I’m really excited to hear your thoughts, suggestions and feedback.


Thank you everyone .. ❀️



ps: We are airdropping $OSM to early adopters and supporters: Free Airdrop $OSM 🎁✨

01 Jun 2022

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