Assignment 1: Write 2 LinkedIn Posts
A. 1 LinkedIn post will be a technical post
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shridattz/recent-activity/all/
Pick a technical topic on the founder’s niche, and write a LinkedIn post on the same.
Here’s an example: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/shridattz_tech-ai-openai-activity-7231630586371600384-sn98?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
B. 1 LinkedIn post will be a personal story
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathrynsandford/
Pick a topic on personal branding, and connect it with a personal story of the client
You can take personal post inputs from here:
1 Reel script
Ref: https://www.instagram.com/neelgogia?igsh=OHc4N2FjdGR6eDVv
(take away the aspect of tech and the journey of building a business - skip the creative economy aspect)
Write a script for the founder talking about a ‘No-notice’ employee policy
Where they have decided to not provide any notice period to their employee.
This needs to be written from the employee benefits perspective. Like they can stay if they want, but as a founder they’ve built a system that helps them work efficiently even when an employee decides to leave.
01 Sep 2024
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