How to get started with Community Building in Easy wasy

Hi, Hustlers

Many of you ask me how to build a successful running community with less hustle

Before actually jumping on to the easy step what do you understands by word " COMMUNITY "?

Community stands for group of like minded people who come and join together to work on any idea, attend events, work collaboratively on certain tasks. 

Before starting your own community, follow these steps to get a clear picture of how to structure things in better way-

  1. Be clear with a specific niche you want to open community under.
  2. Try to use platforms like Telegram, Slack , Discord or even on initial scale you can use whatsapp as well.
  3. Try to cater your audience with best resources under your chosen niche, share insightful resources, build relation with them. Try to provide knowledge for atleast 1 year without any thought of monetization with a chance of getting benefited later in future.

You can start with researching a bit like what industry is booming nowadays if you are not clear or selected with any niche. Else if you have a certain niche in which you have some expertise you can directly start building content for that community.

In starting its tough to stay updated and consistent but I swear just trust the process.

How I started my "Design" Community 2 years back?

I was not at all aware of what actually a community looks like? I got lucky to get a chance of opening my design community.

I got an opportunity by my sir and that time I just started my journey as a designer. I started learning about concept, how actually designer work or most important what is the role and responsibilities of a designer.

It was a golden opportunity for me to grab this offer and build my network as well as community. I started calling people from big tech companies like Amazon, EY, Walmart, Microsoft etc which eventually created my amazing network.

What all opportunities I got from this community?

1.Got network with amazing like minded people who are always ready to help and ready to learn forward from others.

2.Shared so many hiring opportunities for newbies who are not able to find any job or internship.

3.Got job referrals and even freelance work to grab and learn from industry experts.

4.If you have a community, you don't fear if you want audience for your product or even for any survey you are conducting.

From last 2 years I got to know about a lot from this community and I even started you-tube channel to help me community. On which I share recent updates to keep them posted.

PS- Stay Tuned for second writeup under community stuffs.

Don't sit idle, just start your community.




27 Jul 2022


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