Tandava Vadati | Self help Newsletter

It's a weekly newsletter where I strategize, manage, and market a self-help newsletter. 


Through Tandava vadati, I hope to explore a variety of different topics and share my learnings, failures, and raw experiences, while also providing a platform for thoughtful discussion and reflection. Each week, I'll dive into a different topic, effective strategies for habit formation and personal growth. I'll also share my own experiences and insights.


1. In addition to exploring ideas, I'll also be sharing my

2. New thoughts, observations, learnings & insights.

3. Actionable tips to lead a more intentional life.

4. Books, podcasts, blog recommendations, and resources.

I believe that continuous learning and personal growth are essential to living a fulfilling life, and I'm excited to share the tools and resources that have helped me along the way.Whether you're an avid reader, a personal development enthusiast, or simply someone who's curious about the world around them, I hope you'll find something of value in each issue of Tandavaa Vadati

01 Mar 2024

self help
self help newsletter
content writers
newsletter writer

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